
Aiducation International Ambassadors

Meet our ambassadors: Champions of our mission, advocates for change and impact. Learn more about the inspiring individuals representing Aiducation and spreading our vision across the globe.

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Aiducation International Ambassadors

Aiducation's Ambassador Program boosts awareness and impact. Ambassadors promote our vision within their networks, highlighting education's crucial role in development.

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Ambassador Aiducation International Switzerland

Alice Šáchová

Co-Founder Collective63 AG

"My relationship with Aiducation started with the celebrations of my 50th birthday. I wanted to support an organisation, which focuses on education for non-privileged, young people but with the student's performance as key criteria. Aiducation is the perfect fit for this – the concept is convincing and well thought trough, and on top the implemented is fast and pragmatic. The more I see the team and how their ideas are growing and evolving, the more I want to become a partner in their journey and make developing countries a better place from within."

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Ambassador Aiducation International Switzerland

Angela Matthes

Founder & Creator at

„When I’m 65 and my granddaughter asks what I cherish most from my life, I’ll jokingly say, "How much time do you have?” Then I will tell, among other things, that through Aiducation I had the opportunity to help young talented students attend high school, paving the way for higher education. And when I came to Kenya with my StartUp, I got to meet many of these young talents in person and see how they had seized their opportunity and were studying at university or had already started their own businesses. This made my commitment to the Aiducation model even stronger and I am proud to be called an Ambassador for Aiducation.”

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Ambassador Aiducation International Switzerland

Christoph Ernst

CEO at Studer Cables AG and board member at Gruner AG

“I am very convinced by Aiducation's concept of focused support for the education of young people. I experience people who stand up for this core idea in an entrepreneurial, holistic, sustainable and passionate way."

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Ambassador Aiducation International Switzerland

Kim Johansson

Managing Director Sales Ahead

“I met Florian, the Co-Founder of Aiducation, many years ago and I was truly inspired by his spirit and enthusiasm of making a difference in the World. Aiducation is an organisation that is trusted, transparent and dedicated to change the World. It has a significant impact on highly talented individuals with a long term, sustainable focus. That is why I am part of the Ambassador team.“

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Ambassador Aiducation International Switzerland

Luc Albert

Board member, investor, executive coach (EMCC EIA) & mentor

"Education never ends. But it has to start somewhere... What many of us take for granted is out of reach for many others. By giving talented young people from underprivileged backgrounds access to education, Aiducation is planting thousands of seeds that will eventually flourish and drive economic progress. It's both a privilege and an honour to support Aiducation as an Ambassador!”

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Ambassador Aiducation International Switzerland

Marc-Philippe Frey

MSc RSC ETH Student

"Education is one of the only truly sustainable ways for individuals to break the cycle of poverty and for societies to facilitate class mobility. I am strongly drawn to Aiducation’s impact driven focus on enabling and supporting young, intelligent individuals in paving their way for a better future for themselves, their families and their communities. The Aiducation team is very driven, enthusiastic and completely committed to the cause and I am proud to contribute my part in making a lasting, positive impact on the life of their students."

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Ambassador Aiducation International Switzerland

Matthias Schaub

Director, Executive MBA Universität Zürich

"Education is the backbone of every society. In a world characterised by change and progress, education plays a crucial role in preparing young people for the challenges of the future. Through education, we can not only open up individual opportunities, but also strengthen society as a whole. In Aiducation's approach, I was convinced by the circular idea: scholarship holders also provide support, either financially or as mentors, after they have successfully entered the profession, thus ensuring sustainability in the system and living the idea of purpose-driven leadership."

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Ambassador Aiducation International Switzerland

Michel Kleisli

Owner & CEO AseTechnik AG

“I was looking for the opportunity to support an organisation, which I can trust and identify with in regards to it’s team and long-term goals. The way Aiducation engages its donors and supporters convinced me from the first moment. Although I have been travelling a lot across the world, sub-saharan Africa has not been on my radar so far. Discovering Kenya from various angles has been a real benefit for me offered by Aiducation and I am truly grateful for it.“

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Ambassador Aiducation International Switzerland

Rene W. Keller

Founder & CEO xplorizon consulting

"It is a great pleasure and an honour for me to support Aiducation as an Ambassador and thus actively contribute to the promotion of education. As a Swiss-born person, I am aware of the great privilege of having had access to education without any significant financial or structural barriers. This privilege has opened many doors for me personally. My experiences abroad over the last 12 years have made me even more aware of the importance of this access.“

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Ambassador Aiducation International Switzerland

Sandro Cornella


“I was impressed by Aiducation's entrepreneurial and professional approach and I am convinced that the focus on talented, financially disadvantaged youth in developing countries is an important multiplier for sustainable development from within. Young people are supported in their education and contribute to the development of their home countries. The contacts with people from the Aiducation network from various backgrounds are very enriching for me. I am happy to support this meaningful cause together with competent, committed people.“

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Ambassador Aiducation International Switzerland

Silvio Inderbitzin

Investor, Entrepreneur & Board Member in various companies

“My wife and I did have the chance and luck to benefit from the excellent education possibilities in Switzerland. We believe that education is on of the most important requirement for a sustainable development and prosperity of a peoples and society. Aiducation is just exactly putting into practice what we feel has to be done to support not only young bright individuals but thus helping to develop a whole nation over time in a very sustainable way. Therefore, we support Aiducation International financially with our own Foundation and would like to further help by transferring the idea to other potential future supporters as an Amabassdor.“

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Ambassador Aiducation International Switzerland

Sunnie J. Groeneveld

Entrepreneur, Board Member, Author and Speaker

"In the 21st century, one of the best anti-poverty programs is a world-class education. I am convinced that Aiducation’s approach of providing need-based scholarships to the most talented students, will make a tremendous positive impact. A better education empowers them with the knowledge and tools to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for themselves and their country. Having benefitted from exceptional educational opportunity in Switzerland and the USA, I am grateful to serve as an Ambassador for Aiducation’s admirable cause."

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Ambassador Aiducation International Switzerland

Yves von Ballmoos

CEO Furniture Advisory Services GmbH

“During my one week stay at an Aiducation Academy in Malindi in spring 2015 I could personally experience the long term commitment that Aiducation has in Kenya. I met and got to know highly motivated, very willing to learn and highly intelligent young people who eagerly take up the chance offered by Aiducation. I am convinced that improved access to education is a - if not the best - path to offer a solution to the big challenge Africa is facing. Aiducation offers a truly sustainable approach which I happily support with my expertise as well as through financial means here in Switzerland as well as in Africa.“

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Ambassador Aiducation International Switzerland

Ian Roberts

Chief Technology Officer at Bühler

“Access to good education is a basic requirement for social and economic development. In many countries limited access to education serves to maintain inequality and prevent equitable growth. Aiducation provides smart but financially disadvantaged children with the opportunity to gain a good high school education. I am proud to support Aiducation in providing access to education.“

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Ambassador Aiducation International Switzerland

Thomas Bernauer

Professor of Political Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland

"I believe that high-quality education is one of the fundamental prerequisites for successfully dealing with the plethora of challenges humanity is facing. As a scientist whose work has a problem-solving focus, I am acutely aware that our students are our most valuable assets to that end, and that their education does not start, but only continues when they enter university. Meritocratic countries that are able to offer a good education to all socio-economic parts of society, including children from low-income families, from primary school to university and professional colleges, are likely to perform best over the long run. This is why I subscribe very much to the aims activities of Aiducation."

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